29 Jan

CHA Winter 2011 - Setting up the booth

Yesterday and today we were setting up the booth- I can’t show you much yet - cause…LOL ….psssstt - but just so you know how much work it was…here is what the beginning of two LOOOOOOONNNNNGGG CHA workdays looks like ;)

Kyle and Denny getting the first pieces out of the crates

That would be for me :)

Look at the awesome sign

more signs

the view from the hotel room -taking a rest for now and waiting for my roomie Birgit Koopsen :) see you maybe tomorrow with photos of the finished booth


27 Jan

A fun day in Hollywood

What an amazing weather it is here in L.A -sorry about that all folks in snow and cold areas ;) Yesterday morning I had on my own, strolling around Hollywood and as I got up very early (jet lag is a nasty thing) it wasn’t too crowded on the walk of fame.

The first star I saw- LOL

and as a big Bugs Bunny fan- I had to take this one too

Batman on his way to work… - something about this pictures cracks me up - LOL

Loving all the different signs and buildings

On the way to the hotel I recognized this all of a sudden- uiii - LOL

In the afternoon Shelly, the owner of Punky Sprouts and I did a lot of shopping for the Punky Sprouts booth - and I can totally confirm that there is NO difference from American to German Ikeas at all. I can’t wait to see how all the different little things we bought will be pulled together for the booth. I’m off to meet Heidi and Jette for breakfast now before I then head out to the Convention Center to help setting up the Tattered Angels booth. Have a good one :)

26 Jan

Los Angeles…and other fun areas :)

So sunday my NEVERENDING fligth to L.A. started. It was actually neverending since my kindle died on the way over and I had no paper book with me…grrr.

so I played a lot with my Itouch camera…LOL - Hipstamatic- so fun - here is btw the first view that night of L.A. - such a bad pic- but hey…that is my only memory, because I basicially was in a Koma the last three hours - LOL

I stayed the first night with Heidi and Jette from Denmark and we had a  fun evening and dinner. Can’t wait to see them in a couple days again :)

Monday I saw then Marcie, who did so much for me- what a sweetheart! We did a Scrapbook-Store Road trip which was really fun and interesting. Today we finally visited Disney Land. With a cute four year old it is the biggest fun ever- just to see the fun in the kid is worth it big time :)

Tomorrow I will check out Hollywood a bit more - so I better go to bed now…in Germany the day already started :) Have a good one!

23 Jan

Workshops in Greece and Sweden

So excited that I will be also teaching in Greece on April 9th in Athens. Check it out here.

And in Sweden May 14th .Check it out here.

I’m on my way to Los Angeles for a few days of fun and then attending CHA.I wasn’t able to really prepare some blogposts as the last two weeks were really just crazy.  I hope I will be able to share some pictures from the road with you :) See you soon!

22 Jan

Be Unique

Growing up in Düsseldorf in Germany Karneval played a huge part of my youth. Being the fifth season of a year there are lot’s of Parades, Rose Monday- where most of all official life in Rhineland stops - awesome when you are young and don’t have to go to school :), and dressing up. So recently I found a  treasure photo of my Mom regarding Karneval.

Wenn man wie ich in Düsseldorf aufgewachsen ist, ist man an Karneval nicht wirklich vorbeigekommen ;) Kürzlich fand ich ein wunderbares Foto meiner Muttivom Karneval.

* Be Unique*

The picture shows my Mom and her friend Carnival ca. 1979. My Mom is Bee Willi (on the right) and her friend the Bee Maja. Anyone remember this (was this even in the States?)

Das Bild zeigt meine Mama und ihre Freundin Karneval ca. 1979. Meine Mama ist als Biene Willi (rechts), ihre Freundin als Biene Maja verkleidet. Erinnert Ihr Euch an Biene Maja?

gymnastic dress, yellow duck tape, yellow plastic bags for the wings and there you go - you have a bee costum. I think they look gorgeous with those police men ;) And I love how happy my Mom looks on this picture in this really tough time for her.

Gymnastik Anzüge, gelbes Tape, gelbe Müllbeutel für die Flügel und fertig ist das Bienenkostüm. Machen sich doch gut die Beiden mit den Düsseldorfer Polizisten ;) Und ich liebe es, wie glücklich meine Mama in diesem Bild schaut- es war eine harte Zeit für sie.

Supplies: Couture Cardstock, Bazzil Cardstock, Tattered Angels Simple Sayings, Tattered Angels Glimmer MIst, Tattered Angels Chalkboard, Tattered Angels Glaze, Jenni Bowlins Border Sticker, Tattered Angels Heidi Swapp Expressive Tabs, Heidi Swapp Journaling Pad, SCRAPBOOK ADHESIVES by 3L™

18 Jan

Flower Tutorial *SAZ Winter 2010*

This Flower Tutorial was published in the last ScrapArtZine Issue Winter 2010 and I thaught I should share it with you :)

Dieses Blumen Tutorial war in der letzten Winter ScrapArtZine 2010 veröffentlicht und ich dachte, ich zeige Sie Euch mal :)

You will need: Canvas Fabric, a Brad, Wire or a rubber band, cheese cloth or mull, Paper - optional Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist and Glam, Sicissor and Marker

Du brauchst: Leinwandstoff, einen Brad, Draht oder ein kleines Gummiband, Mullbinde, Papier und optional Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist und Glam, Schere und Marker

Draw a circle- or several circles on Canvas fabric.

Zeichne einen - oder gleich mehrere Kreise auf Leinwandstoff.

Ich had Canvas that was treated with gesso on one side. As I wanted to have the untreated side on top of the flower I put the Brad top down on top of the treated side.

Ich habe auf einer Seite mit Gesso behandelten Leinwandstoff genommen - hier möchte ich die unbehandelte Seite als Blumenoberfläche haben- also den Brad kopfüber auf die Gessoseite des Kreises legen.

Now fold the circle over the Brad in Pleats- it is a bit hard to do as the canvas is stiff because of the gesso. But you can do it :)

Nun fältel den Kreis über den Brad - ist ein wenig schwierig, da die Leinwand wegen des Gessos ein wenig steif ist, aber Du kriegst das schon hin :)

Now take a wire (which I find a bit better with the super stiff canvas) or a little rubber band (which is perfect with thin fabric) and put it around the neck of the brad.

Nun nimm einen Draht (find ich besser mit der steifen Landwand) oder ein kleines Gummiband (welches sehr gut ist wenn man mit dünnem Stoff arbeitet) und befestige es um den Hals des Brads.

Open up the canvas again

Entfalte den Leinwandstoff

You can use cheese cloth and put it over the nibs in loops.

Du kannst Mullbinde verwenden und diese in Schlaufen über den Stift des Brads legen.

Put a paper circle underneath the cheesecloth and bend the nibs of the Brad. You can leave the flower as it is or you can cut the cheesecloth loops  - you can see the outcome in the first picture - it makes for a more distressed look.

Unterhalb der Mullbinde kann man nun einen Papierkreis befestigen und die Bradstifte umlegen. Die Blume kann so bleiben, oder man kann die Schlaufen wie im allerersten Bild der Anleitung zu sehen - aufschneiden um einen etwas zerfetzteren Look zu erhalten.

The beauty of canvas and cheesecloth of course is that you can treat it before or after with Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist, Glimmer Glam or other Media to archive a one of a kind look.

Das Tolle an Leinwandstoff und Mullbinde ist natürlich, dass man es vorher oder nachher mit Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist, Glimmer Glam oder anderen Medien bearbeiten kann um einen einzigartigen Look zu bekommen.

Have a great one!

16 Jan

Trends for Winter CHA 2011

I was asked what Trends I foresee for the Winter CHA 2011

Here are some of my throughts about the upcoming trends for CHA Winter 2011

Patterns: I think there will be two different styles coming up and those will be also presented by different colors. A very clean and minimalistic look but I also think we will see a lot of pattern mixes - kind of an ethnic mix and mash style. Flowers mixed with stripes and polka dots  or Paisleys mixed with batik and circles etc.
Photo Source:http://lawnparty.tumblr.com/

Colors: As with the patterns I assume we will see two different color schemes. For the minimalistic and clean look I assume restrained and neutral colors, with lots of nuances and hues which can be mixed in a wonderful way. For the eclectic pattern mixes I think it will be a cosmopolitan color range - from dim dark colors to lively pink and red tones to earthy yet still prominent colors.
Photo Source: Pantone

Techniques: Mixed Media Techniques will be still a huge trend. There will be new paints, new colors, new spray paint colors and new tools making it easy also for less technique driven Scrapbookers to use those paintmedia.

photo source: bbc.uk.co

Material/Projects: Printed Book or Music Sheet paper- all kinds of things that have a natural look. One of the focuses I foresee for this CHA is how to enhance the Scrapbooking Products and use them in Homedecor items, recycle and reuse what you have.
I think we will see Banners still being a rage in all kinds of shapes.

photo source: chikaustin.com

I hope some of my assumptions are right, cause now I excited myself with them- LOL

What do you think - what will be the Trends for Winter CHA 2011?

14 Jan

Be Mine *SAZ Winter 2010*

One of the funny things you have to get used to when working for a Scrapbooking Magazine, is that you you always work off season. So this Valentine’s Card for the ScrapArtZine Winter Issue was actually created in August - months and months before even a Christmas feeling kicked in. The good thing though is, that the romantic feeling is not a day-related one ;) You can feel romantic pretty much year round - LOL

Wenn man für ein Scrapbooking Magazine arbeitet, muss man sich daran gewöhnen, dass die Arbeiten immer für eine Jahreszeit gemacht werden müssen, in der man noch gar nicht angekommen ist. So wie diese Valentins Karte für die ScrapArtZine Winter Ausgabe. Die wurde nämlich im August kreiert, also Monate bevor überhaupt auch nur erstmal ein Weihnachtsgefühl aufkam. Das Gute ist allerdings, dass Romantische Gefühle nicht an einen Tag gebunden sind ;) man kann ja glücklicherweise das ganze Jahr romantisch sein - LOL

Supplies: Packaging from Tattered Angels, Tattered Angels Heart Stamp, Ranger’s Glitter Embossing Powder, Hambly Screen Prints Transparency, Acrylic Paint, Sultane Die Cut, Crafty Secrets Canvas Patch, Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist, Tattered Angels Glimmer Glam, Tissue Paper, StazOn, Gel Medium, Tim Holtz Stamp Script, Cheesecloth, Tattered Angels Chipboard Schlüssel, Vintage Button, Tim Holtz Grungeboard

Have a wonderful day :)

Euch eine tollen Tag :)

12 Jan

Australia Floodings - Your Creative Journey- Silent-Auction for QLD Flood Victims

You may have heard and seen about the devastating flooding affecting Australians in Queensland with 75% of the state declared a natural disaster zone. Lives have been lost and loved ones are missing!!

Ihr habt wahrscheinlich von den zerstörrerischem Hochwasser in Australia, Queensland gehört, bei dem 75 % des Staates dort zur einer Naturkatastrophen Zone erklärt worden. Es starben Menschen und viele geliebte Menschen werden vermisst.

There are a small band of creatives who are banding together to help raise funds to go towards the Flood Relief. I am asking you all to consider supporting this wonderful effort. It is a silent auction of art by some awesome Australian and International creatives and artists. Donna Downey and Melody Ross Workshops, amazing artwork by other well know artists… Here is a link to the facebook site;

Es gibt eine kleine Gruppe Kreativer, die sich zusammengefunden haben, um Spenden für die Flut Hilfe zu sammeln. Vielleicht möchtet Ihr ja diese wunderschöne Sache unterstützen. Es ist eine stille Auktion von Kunstgegenständen, Workshops zum Beispiel von Donna Downey und Melody Ross und andere Dinge etc. die von verschiedenen australischen und internationalen Kreativen gespendet worden. Hier ein Link zu der Facebook Seite;

I am honoured to have been asked to contribute! There are many amazing artists helping from all over the world contributing.

Ich fühle mich geehrt, gefragt worden zu sein, ob ich helfen kann! Es gibt so viele wunderbare Leute aus aller Welt, die dieses Projekt unterstützen.

So please consider supporting this relief effort by the Team at Creative Journey!! Thank you!!!

Also bitte überlegt Euch, ob Ihr diesen wunderbaren Hilfsaufruf des Creative Journey Teams unterstützen wollt!! Danke schön!!!

11 Jan

Canvas Wallhanging *Tattered Angels*

I did this Canvas Wallhanging for my friends C&C. They just married in December and I’m so very happy for them. I hope they will enjoy the little gift.

Diesen Leinwand-Wandhänger habe ich für meine Freunde C&C gestaltet. Sie haben im Dezember geheiratet und ich freue mich so sehr für die beiden. Ich hoffe ihnen gefällt dieses kleine Geschenk.

I used a Prima Canvas Screenprint and brushed some Glimmer Glam Chandelier onto parts of the Canvas. After that dried I sprayed over it with Glimmer Mist Santa Baby and Jingle Bells. After that dried I used in some areas Glimmer Mist Snow Queen to give it some more depth. Into the still wet surface I flicked then with the little brush included in the bottle Glimmer Glaze Oil Slick- so to have a more bleeding effect for the drops. The Prima Canvas Album Page I painted with Glimmer Glam Stiletto which gives a nice texture. For the border I used a stamp from me new super favorite stamp set the Architectural Trims. On the Framed Fonts I used also the Jingle Bells Glimmer Mist.

Ich habe ein Prima Canvas Screenprint benutzt und etwas  Glimmer Glam Chandelier auf einige Stellen  aufgebracht. Nachdem dies getrocknet war habe ich den Leinwandstoff mit Santa Baby and Jingle Bells  eingesprüht. Nach einer weiteren Trocknungszeit habe ich einige Stellen mit  Glimmer Mist Snow Queen besprüht, um dem ganzen mehr Tiefe zu verleihen. In die noch immer nasse Oberfläche habe ich dann mit dem kleinen Pinsel in der Glimmer Glaze Oil Slick Flasche Tropfen aufgebracht, so dass diese dann verlaufen sind. Die Prima Canvas Album Seite habe ich mit Glimmer Glam Stiletto bemalt, um mehr Textur zu erhalten. Die Umrandung ist mit Stempeln aus meinem Lieblings Stempelset den  Architectural Trims gestaltet.Die Framed Fonts   habe ich ebenfalls mit Jingle Bells Glimmer Mist besprüht.

Have a wonderful day :)

09 Jan

Art Mesa 2011 - Workshops in Madrid, Spain

Artmese header

Ahhhhh - finally I can reveal another of many secrets :) My wonderful and super talented friend Cuchy and I are offering a Mixed Media Workshop Weekend on June 4th:)

Ahhh- endlich kann ich noch ein weiteres von vielen Geheimnissen aufdecken :) Meine wunderbare und super talentierte Freundin Cuchy  und ich bieten ein Mixed Media Workshop Wochenende am 4. Juni an :)

I know Cuchy from my workshops in Barcelona and we have been ever since in contact- I love her work and her amazing techniques and furthermore- she is just an amazing uplifting and fun person! So from there our idea to do a workshop weekend together started - and so here we go - Art Mesa 2011 - an art table - is born.

Ich kenne Cuchy von meinen Workshops in Barcelona und wir sind seitdem immer in Kontak geblieben. Ich liebe ihre Arbeiten und grandiosen Techniken und darüberhinaus ist sie einfach eine wunderbare, positive und fröhliche Person! Und so kam die Idee ein Workshop Wochenende zu organisieren - und da sind wir also - Art Mesa 2011 - Ein Kunst Tisch - sozusagen.

  • Art Mesa 2011

Check it out on the Art Mesa 2011 Blog.
Mehr Details auf dem Art Mesa 2011 Blog.

08 Jan

Life Changes ….And Change is Good :)

This new year sure started like a roller coaster ride!

Diese neue Jahr hat wie eine Achterbahnfahrt begonnen!

I am full of hopes for this new year and I’m looking forward to the things to come. After 17 years working as a paralegal I gave my office notice that I leave. It has been a hard decision- because - I know it is hard to believe- I loved working in my law office, my bosses and collegues have always been awesome to me and I will miss them a lot. Although it had been an incredible stressful job at times - working for a pro bono/legal aid office with five lawyers is tough - I loved it. But I also love my creative work and I figured…If I do not try now to see if I can do it as my main profession - I will never know :) So as of February 16th, 2011: I will be a full time artist :) - teaching, writing and consulting.

Ich bin voller Hoffnung für dieses neue Jahr und ich bin freue mich auf die Dinge die da kommen. Nach 17 Jahren als Rechtsanwaltsgehilfin habe ich nun gekündigt. Es war eine schwierige Entscheidung - weil -ja, schwer zu glauben, ich hatte großen Spass in meinem Anwaltsbüro zu arbeiten. Meine Kollegen und Chefs waren immer wunderbar und ich werde sie sehr vermissen. Obwohl es ganz schön stressig war für fünf Anwälte zu arbeiten, habe ich meine Arbeit sehr gemocht. Aber ich liebe auch meine kreative Arbeit und ich bin nach reiflicher Überlegung davon überzeugt, dass ich es nie wissen werde, ob ich auch von der kreativen Arbeit leben kann, wenn ich es nie ausprobiere :). Also ab dem 16. Februar bin ich ein Vollzeit-Kreativling - unterrichten, schreiben, beraten.

Thank you for supporting me throughout the years, making the nay-sayers and mean people less prominent and giving me confidence and hope in this path! It means a lot to me!

Vielen Dank an diejenigen unter Euch, die mich die letzten Jahre unterstützt, die negativen Menschen bedeutungslos gemacht und mir Mut und Überzeugung für diesen Weg gegeben haben! Es bedeutet mir viel!

Off to tackle my CHA Projects- oohhh so many secrets ;)

Nun mal ran an die CHA Projekte- ohhh so viele Geheimnisse ;)

06 Jan

Canvas MiniAlbums *Tattered Angels*

I want to show you two mini albums I had taught the last year and have not shown yet. They are both made with Canvas pages.

For the album I had cut out 6?x6? pieces of canvas fabric and then sprayed with different techniques with Glimmer Mist over Glimmer Screens and added our wonderful Screen Print Clear Stamps. A wonderful way to show that love is a lot of different little things in a relationship.

The second minialbum was created almost the same way – it is a 3×6? size.

I love how you can add lot’s of texture and techniques by adding canvas pages. One of my favorite things to play with is to see how different the Glimmer Mist settles on the non treated and treated side of  canvas fabric. As you can see in the “Liebe ist…” Album the Glimmer misted screen images are more subtile and a bit dreamy and blurry. This is because I used the gesso treated pages here. On the pages for the minialbum below I used the non-treated pages – so the Glimmer Mist could settle right in which ends in a very crisp and sharp image.

Canvas- sooo awesome- I love this surface :)

Wishing you a wonderful day/night!

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